Voice Caddie SC4 Pro Launch Monitor 2024

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Voice Caddie SC4 Pro Launch Monitor

The new SC4 PRO from Voice Caddie is a professional-grade launch monitor designed for both indoor and outdoor use, delivering unmatched accuracy with its advanced ProMetrics engine. Perfect for golfers of all levels, this versatile device measures both ball and club head data from swing to impact to ball flight, providing precise, real-time metrics for a comprehensive analysis of your performance.

With easy setup and intuitive use, the SC4 PRO allows you to practice and play anywhere. Whether hitting balls into a net in your garage or basement, or playing a full round of golf outdoors, this device adapts seamlessly to your environment.

  • Spin Axis
    Tilt of the ball’s spin as it flies, determining the direction and curvature of the shot (e.g., draw or fade). Make precise adjustments to hit straighter shots and manage ball flight more effectively.
  • Side Spin
    Horizontal rotation of the ball. By tracking side spin, you can identify why your ball curves left or right. This insight helps you correct slices or hooks.
  • Back Spin
    Backward rotation of the ball. Higher back spin keeps the ball in the air longer and provides stopping power on the green, helping you achieve more accurate and controlled shots.
  • Dispersion
    Spread of your shots around a target. Identify patterns in your performance and make necessary adjustments to improve accuracy and consistency on the course.
  • Carry/Total Distance
  • Swing Speed
  • Ball Speed
  • Smash Factor
  • Apex (Max Height)
  • Launch Angle
  • Launch Direction
  • Spin Rate

Voice Caddie SC4 Pro Launch Monitor Prodect Specs

Dimensions Weight Frequency Sensor Type Battery Battery Life Charge Time Operatinig Temperature Placement Measuring Range
4.88" x 7.59" x 1.14" (inches) 20.79 oz K Band 24 GHz 3-Doppler Radar Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery 7,500 mAh 10hrs (Depending on conditions) 6 hrs (from completely drained battery) 32° F ~ 122° F 5 ft behind the ball on the same level as the ball 15 yds ~ 370 yds (carry)

Note: this is for your reference only and does not denote the content of the product.


Battery Life Dimensions Touchscreen Weight MSRP
10hrs 4.88" x 7.59" x 1.14" No 20.79 oz $599.99